When I was a kid I dreamed about being a professional baseball player, skateboarder and an artist. Those were the three things I loved. I was really good at all three. But I was 13 when I was told these were just dreams and they probably wouldn’t happen. 40+ years later…

I’m not a professional baseball player, skateboarder or artist. But I've had some success in all three areas. I coached my sons on a few little league baseball teams. I taught my girls how to skateboard and I’ve helped thousands of business owners become better at branding. Maybe those weren’t silly dreams!

Besides tacos (I’ll get to that later) I know that coaching, teaching and training are at the core of what makes me happy. I'm also a student of epic branding, “Brand Relevance and the Art of Differentiation. I developed a template called the RCA: “Relevant Content Accelerator.”

What's my story? I designed and screen printed my first t-shirt in high school when I was 16. It was a skateboarding logo, duh! I was lucky to start working with my parents in my late 20's after they started a promotional product agency. They retired and I sold the business. Since then I've worked with people at all levels of the branded merchandise and apparel decoration industries. Now, I get to travel teaching business owners and sales reps in the promo & apparel space how to develop more memorable stories and effective branding for their businesses. Armed with clarity, a better story and differentiation - they're prepared to meet their ideal customers on social media platforms like LinkedIn. Or in person!

Why Tacos, Jay? YES, I’m slightly obsessed. As you’ve probably heard they make everything better and they’re delicious containers of greatness! ✌🧡🌮

Let’s connect on LinkedIn. DM me now if you have questions or know of a great taco shop!

Jay Busselle

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